About Us
Hello! We are BEE-a-tif-ic to have you here.
We are a Trio of fun & crazy and would love to share it with all of you.
Meet our Handyman and engineer of 'almost ' everything. The man of the house, boss, dogs' best
friend and my hubster, Fabian.. Underneath him, with the invisible ambilocal cord attachment, is our
spoiled , fun and very goofy puppy (not so puppy, but if you're a doggie lover, you understand), our
princess, Daisy.. and then there is me, I'm Katie, the bickering wife, who adds the cork to corky.
And creator of Bitzzzy Bee.
Welcome to our humble little beehive where we make custom arts and crafts with a broad selection of
material to play with, all hand made in the USA.
Become a member and be entered into our GIVEAWAYS!!! (COMING SOON)
We dabble in 'bitz' here & there. From friendship bracelets, shirts, masks, and mugs all the way to recycled bedframes and fences, turned flower trellises and dinner tables. We'd like to make your next piece.